The Oriental Magpie-Robin (female) |
Spotted Dove |
Although there are plenty of birds in our area, these were the most active last week. The pair of doves abandoned their nest on our balcony after a chick fell out of the nest and died. If I had seen it earlier, maybe it'd have been saved. But they left and now are looking for another nesting site. It's such a wonderful feeling to wake up to the cooing of the doves...I hope they are happy with their new nesting place in the vicinity of our house. Meanwhile it's been a joy to photograph them on our berry tree.
To see more posts about what's happening in the world of nature, head over to Michelle's Rambling Woods.
Beautiful birds and delightful captures for the day! Hope your weekend is off to a great start! Enjoy!
Thank you for your kind comments Kanak. I added your link into Nature Notes..I had the date wrong for closing it... We have the same situation here with our mourning doves. Their nests are well constructed and they lose babies. But they are so sweet and gentle and I too enjoy them...Michelle
I love that spotted dove! Your pictures are beautiful.
lovely photos, the dove is particularly beautiful!
Lovely photos Kanak. What a shame about the doves, I do hope their next nesting attempt will be successful. I too love the sound of doves cooing in the garden especially if they are on the roof and the sound floats down the chimney. I had never heard of the Oriental Magpie-Robin, it is always nice to come across a new bird.
Sorry to have missed commenting on your recent posts, I am really struggling with blogging. I loved the skippers and the lizard. The patterns on the Golden Birdwing were amazing and looked like the sun to me.
Your pictures of the spotted dove are delightful.
I am an amateur bird watcher ; the first time i sited a spotted dove, i thought it was a pigeon !
What a delightful Dove, so beautiful, so serene!
Wow, your Magpie Robin looks very similar to our Northern Mockingbird. I love the Spotted Dove - what a beauty!
Such lovely doves. I wake to the sound of them cooing, also. Thanks for your visit today and I look forward to visiting with you often. Have a great day. Mildred
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