When I look back on 2011 it makes me think about the mental nature notes that I made....
What a joy to see these blue-banded bees clustering for the night. Dead or leafless branches of shrubs are where they gather when they call it a day. Surely something I would have missed if I didn't blog!
I had never seen this kind of beetle before and getting a chance to photograph it recently was most satisfying.
The other day on a picnic that we had been to, I was surprised to see that these leaves still held dew. Our temperatures never go below 9* C when it's at its coldest and dew vanishes as soon as the sun is out.
And although I've photographed the Peacock Pansy butterfly several times, I can't resist another shot if it happens to choose to sit on one of my plants!
The sandy stretch of the Brahmaputra was filled with the prints of webbed feet. As the year ends I am thankful that I can connect/have connected with so many of my blogging friends. It's such a blessing to belong to this wonderful community. May our tribe increase!
This post is for Michelle's meme Nature Notes.

Looks like 2011 was a very good year! :)
Great nature shots from 2011.
What great shots for the day and I agree that 2011 was a good year! The blogging world is indeed a wonderful community! I hope the remainder of your week is a good one and wishing you a very Happy New Year!!
I love that you included the bees as they are so important and often overlooked..Yes it was a good year to enjoy nature and I want to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year..I am so pleased to have met you via blogging....Michelle
That beetle is beautiful! And I have always been fascinated with your blue banded bees! I guess they sting just like regular honeybees?
A lovely post and a pretty beetle. And the Peacock Pansye is gorgeous. Lovely nature captures, thanks for sharing. I wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Lovely photos. I've never see blue bees before. What a capture!
2011 was a good year for nature pics.
The year 2011 has been great for me as well. I entered the blogging community this year and was pleasantly surprised to find how warm and close bloggers can be. Thank you for all those wonderful posts, Kanak. And though I've not commented on all of your posts, I've enjoyed each one of them. Wish you and your family a wonderful year ahead!
Beautiful shots!
very nice. is that the jewel beetle?
Wow, such an interesting glimpse into a place I've never been! Glad to have found your blog as the new year approaches. This is some of the best that the Internet does--connecting us across boundaries and borderlines. I'll be back!
Happy new year!
What a lovely end-of-year post! May 2012 bring more loveliness (and don't forget to take your camera everywhere!). Thanks for sharing.
Kanak, that blue bug with navy blue spots is very beautiful! Last year seems to have been very fruitful for you. Wish you more photo opportunities and happy blogging in 2012! Happy New Year to you and your family!
Cheers to the New Year! Not it’s 0:10, January 1st, 2012, Japan time. Before going to bed, I logged in and found your kind and lovely comment and thought I’d send my first comment this year to you. Like blue-banded bee and Peacock Pansy Butterfly which I see for the first time, I hope this year be full of pleasant surprise or discovery by visiting or being visited by fellow bloggers.
Wish you and your family all the best throughout the year.
I love that turquoise beetle, so beautiful!
Great blog and great pics!:D
Have a nice 2012!
Kisses from Perú!
I would like to inform you that green "beetle" is in fact a bug from the Chrysocoris genus.
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