When I look back on 2011 it makes me think about the mental nature notes that I made....
What a joy to see these blue-banded bees clustering for the night. Dead or leafless branches of shrubs are where they gather when they call it a day. Surely something I would have missed if I didn't blog!
I had never seen this kind of beetle before and getting a chance to photograph it recently was most satisfying.
The other day on a picnic that we had been to, I was surprised to see that these leaves still held dew. Our temperatures never go below 9* C when it's at its coldest and dew vanishes as soon as the sun is out.
And although I've photographed the Peacock Pansy butterfly several times, I can't resist another shot if it happens to choose to sit on one of my plants!
The sandy stretch of the Brahmaputra was filled with the prints of webbed feet. As the year ends I am thankful that I can connect/have connected with so many of my blogging friends. It's such a blessing to belong to this wonderful community. May our tribe increase!
This post is for Michelle's meme Nature Notes.