Monday, May 23, 2011

The Yellow Pansy Butterfly

Ever since I started to blog, I have been photographing the Pansy butterflies. The commonly seen are the Lemon Pansy/Junonia lemonias, the Grey pansy/Junonia atlites, the Chocolate Pansy/ Junonia iphita, and the Peacock Pansy/Junonia almana. The Blue Pansy and the Yellow Pansy had eluded me so far. But the other day as we took a walk around the resort that we'd gone to, this beautiful butterfly begged to be photographed!! But as soon as the shutter was ready to be hit, it'd fly away and later come back. In these hurried shots, the beautiful blue eye spots (absent in males, prominent in females) can just barely be seen.

Returning home I checked out my book on butterflies by Isaac Kehimkar and found out that this butterfly is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It's an active butterfly which flies close to the ground and prefers sunny places. Now maybe the Blue Pansy won't take long to show up too!:)


Sylvia K said...

Wonderful capture! Such a beautiful butterfly! I love them although there aren't many in the area where I live! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!


ShySongbird said...

Well done Kanak, a lovely butterfly! I am looking forward to seeing the blue one now :)

lotusleaf said...

I enlarged the photo and caught a glimpse of the beautiful blue eye.I hope you will soon find the blue Pansy too, Kanak.

Nature Rambles said...

Sylvia/Jan/Padma....happy to have you stop by!:-)

Birdy Official said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures and information. The yellow pansy do exist in Pakistan. I observed them in the northern areas of Pakistan, but never had the oppotunity to photographed them.